Light in the Never Ending Shade
Sun, Mar 14
|On Zoom!
Join us on Zoom for the opening of our virtual show, Light in the Never Ending Shade.

Time & Location
Mar 14, 2021, 4:00 PM
On Zoom!
About the Event
In her inaugural poem, Amanda Gorman asks: "When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?"
Throughout time, humans have studied the relationship between light and shadow, sometimes equated with good and evil, yin and yang, or mystery and enlightenment. In the end, most seem to agree that one cannot exist without the other. This past year has seemed to be made up of an inordinate amount of darkness. But is there light at the end of the tunnel? Or perhaps it's been there the whole time, obscured like an eclipse? This virtual group show explores the dynamic relationship between dark and light.
Please join us Sunday, March 14 at 4pm on Zoom for our virtual opening event and chat with the artists about their work.
Meeting ID: 999 5529 6410
Passcode: 215585
Light in the Never Ending Shade will be on display in our virtual gallery until May 5th, 2021.